JOHN 14:1-3
A. Man has always longed for a perfect utopia; a city of peace and harmony
1. Only God can provide such a place; Hebrews 13:14
2. Jesus told His disciples not to be anxious; John 14:1-3
B. Many songs have been written, prayers have been said, and promises have been made
1. “I am longing for the coming of the snow-white angel band”
2. “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through”
3. Jesus prayed for His followers; John 17:17-19
C. God has promised heaven to all who obey His word; John 14:2
D. Our lesson “Heaven”
A. The Bible speaks of three heavens; II Corinthians 12:2
1. First heaven; where the birds fly
2. Second heaven; where the sun, moon and stars are
3. Third heaven; the dwelling place of God; Psalm 11:4
B. Heaven is above; Revelation 4:1-2
C. Heaven is a place prepared for a prepared people; John 14:2
D. Heaven is a home with God for His people; Revelation 21:1-4
A. No sin will enter there; I John 1:5-6
B. Heaven is a real place; John 14:6
C. Heaven is eternal or everlasting; Matthew 25:46
D. God made it possible for all of mankind to be in heaven; John 3:16-17
III WHAT WILL HEAVEN BE LIKE? Revelation 21:1-22:5
A. A city beyond the comprehension of flesh and blood beings
1. Paul wrote; I Corinthians 2:9
2. A city without pain, sickness or dying; Revelation 21:4
3. A look into paradise shows that Lazarus was comforted;
Luke 16:19-22, 25
B. A description of heaven; Revelation 21:10-27
C. A place of peace and contentment, in the presence of God; Revelation 22:1-5
A. Heaven is truly a wonderful place; “We read of a place that’s called heaven”
B. Are you prepared to meet your God?